Thursday, December 13, 2012

Almost Christmas Already???

First things first, our family had the most amazing Thanksgiving.  Beans being able to eat made it one of the happiest days ever.  And yes, the pumpkin pie was his favorite food.  He's got a bit of an obsession now.

The dietician at his GI office was able to find a more palatable dairy based formula without corn syrup in it (corn makes him very sick - and it's the top ingredient in Pediasure).  It's called Nature's One Pedia Smart and it comes in both chocolate and vanilla.  He likes both, but prefers the chocolate. We're still in the early days, making sure he tolerates it okay but so far so good. He's inching closer to getting his feeding tube out one day.  He still gets at least 3 tube feeds a day, but that's half of what he used to get!

As for K, she's doing pretty well at the new school.  Currently she's tackling her 2 xs tables and working hard on them.  The new school is much better adapted to what she needs and she's doing much better.

Healthwise, we're back to sorting things out again.  She's had some increased obvious seizures as well as other signs that she may have some seizures we can't see.  Before increasing her meds, her neurologist has ordered a 24 hour inpatient EEG so we can hopefully get a better idea of what's going on inside that head of hers.

Of course I can't leave off the fun stuff.  A few days ago the kids and I made a gingerbread village.  They each got to decorate two houses that now decorate our dining table.  Next week Beans has a holiday concert I'm looking forward too.  I hate being crowded into the auditoriums with all those people, but I love seeing him up on stage so I can't wait.

Wishing everyone a happy holiday from all of us.