Today Little Man once again demonstrated impressive perseverance. This afternoon at the park a whole cluster (yes, that's the technical name for a flock of children ;) ) of kids were playing together. Little Man may not get the intricacies of many forms of play, but running around a playground is just up his alley. At least in spirit.
You should have seen this kid. He was "it" and every kid at the park - yes, even these little tykes in the picture above - could outrun him. Did he give up? NO. Did he cry? NO. He just kept pushing and pushing and trying his hardest. At one point a girl jumped off the equipment right in front of him, but she slipped coming off and landed on the ground. Should be an easy tag. Nope, my precious little guy stopped right there and asked if she was okay before continuing to chase the other kids. He is so very tender and sweet.
At one point Beans came and sat next to me. "Mom, Little Man can't really play tag with the other kids. He runs and tries but even the little ones can go faster than him." He let out a sad sigh.
"It must be hard sometimes being a Little Man, huh." I replied.
"Yeah...but sometimes I go slow and make sure he can tag me so he isn't left behind." Oh little Beans, you sure watch out for this brother of yours.
When we left the park Little Man could hardly walk at all. We had to stop and rest so he could make it back to our stop. You can see on his face just how hard he worked. His was the only red face in the whole group.
My dear sweeties, you have so much tenderness and compassion. You work so hard to get what you want. You have the whole world out there waiting for you, keep up the good work. <3 <3 <3
You should have seen this kid. He was "it" and every kid at the park - yes, even these little tykes in the picture above - could outrun him. Did he give up? NO. Did he cry? NO. He just kept pushing and pushing and trying his hardest. At one point a girl jumped off the equipment right in front of him, but she slipped coming off and landed on the ground. Should be an easy tag. Nope, my precious little guy stopped right there and asked if she was okay before continuing to chase the other kids. He is so very tender and sweet.
At one point Beans came and sat next to me. "Mom, Little Man can't really play tag with the other kids. He runs and tries but even the little ones can go faster than him." He let out a sad sigh.
"It must be hard sometimes being a Little Man, huh." I replied.
"Yeah...but sometimes I go slow and make sure he can tag me so he isn't left behind." Oh little Beans, you sure watch out for this brother of yours.
When we left the park Little Man could hardly walk at all. We had to stop and rest so he could make it back to our stop. You can see on his face just how hard he worked. His was the only red face in the whole group.