Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sick Little Beans :(

Poor little Beans has another run in with his nemesis - croup. It started yesterday and was pretty mild. Today though it's kicking his little behind. Each hour it gets a little worse. Normally we deal with it at home. At 3:00 I called the pediatrician to see if he'd be willing to call in Decadron (steroids), but they wanted to see him instead. Unfortunately they stop seeing patients at 4:00 (!?!) and we live an hour away and would have to stop and pick Little Man up on the way. At this point we're going to try and hold out until tomorrow as our other option is UrgentCare or the ER. His temp is going up about .5 degrees each hour and he's getting breathing treatments every 2 hours. Thankfully Little Man has nursing tonight so if I do need to take Beans in, at least Little Man can stay home and his nurse can even get him on the bus tomorrow if needed. Hopefully this is just a bump and we can fight this off at home.

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