Saturday, April 9, 2011


Today the heat really made itself known here in Florida. I forgot how much the heat takes out of the kids. I'm also trying to figure out how to juggle Beans' tube feedings. If you feed him when he's too hot, he gives it right back. Not a productive use of calories at all. ;)

Ignoring the heat, I signed the kids up for spring soccer. Beans played last year and really loved it. He's been begging to play again for months. Little Man played once when he was in kindergarten. It was fine then because all the kids were little, didn't really know what was going on and were just happy to be running around.

This year he's in the 12 and Under bracket. It will be quite different. Sports here in the country in the good old south are a BIG deal. He is really excited though, so I had to give him this opportunity. I requested he be placed on the same team with his good friend, T. They will both be thrilled if they end up together, I just hope they get a patient coach. ;) Little Man and T are adorable together....and get quite hyper.

Apparently I didn't explain "registration" very well. Both kids were very disappointed to leave the fields without practicing. Oops. We should hear from their coaches this week and then they'll get plenty of soccer in. In the meantime, the backyard is providing great kicking practice. :D

One thing that I've come to know with Little Man - you just never know how he'll react. He may be totally into the game or he may get out on the field and be in his own little world. He's not the most coordinated fellow on earth, part genetics, part hypotonia, part autism, and part just being Little Man. As long as he enjoys it, that's all the matters.

Here's to a good soccer season!

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