After the appointment we had to go get his lab work done for genetics. He thought peeing in a cup was great, as always. Boys! He got scared for the bloodwork but was a tough little guy. He didn't cry until we were down the hall and then he had a meltdown but who can blame him? We had to wait 30-45 minutes after we arrived for them to try and find the right codes and handling procedures for the specific labs. That's a lot of time for anxiety to build in a kid.
I took him to get some lunch after and then he was begging to go to the arcade at the bowling alley they went to with Special Olympics. A mere $10 was a ton of fun. It only took like 20 minutes to spend that but he danced, he hunted and then we played a racing game together twice. He was all smiles afterward.

This morning I went outside to start some laundry and Beans followed me out. He asked if he could sweep the back patio. After picking my jaw up off the ground I agreed. He was so proud of himself. This boy sure is growing up.

We've made progress in getting the personal care assistant for Little Man. The medical director of CMS, where he had his psychiatry appointment yesterday, was willing to do his physical and sign the order. The manager at the nursing agency may need to get a few more records from his doctors and/or school, but once he has everything he said he can get things approved in 3 days most of the time. I'm still living in the land of it-must-be-too-good-to-be-true so I'm not getting too hopeful until it's actually been approved but I am much relieved that there's at least a chance at help, and soon.
Now I have to start thinking about how weird it will be to have someone in my house everyday to help care for Little Man. Very strange idea when you're used to do everything, all the time, period. I think every one of us will benefit if it does work out though. :)
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