Today marks an incredibly special day in the life of our Beans - ONE YEAR since being inpatient!!! I can hardly believe it, yet here it is. One year ago today I brought him home from Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando. After being fed into his intestines for 4 years, it was time to consider having a seperate j (intestinal) feeding tube placed. To give him one last shot before having another major surgery, his GI admitted him for a week to see if we could get him onto stomach feeds using the feeding tube placement he's had since he was 2.

Over the course

of a week, Beans went from IV fluids with no feeds, to a very slow drip into his stomach up to 8 oz boluses every 3 hours! What a HUGE quality of life improvement. After years of wearing his pump backpack all the time, he was now free all day only needing to sit to be fed every 3 hours. Wow!!

To think, 18 months ago he had his PICC line for IV antibiotics, had his GJ pulled and an NJ placed because of his tube infections. A summer with that horrible NJ and now...fully g fed, looking good and the best he's ever been. How great is this!
Wow! He has done so wonderfully in the past year! It's amazing! WTG, Beans!