When we picked up his actual orthotics my stomach did one of those sink to the floor things where you smile and pretend that they're great because your son is actually excited for the help but on the inside you feel like a little part of your heart just tore open. There's no denying these are special needs. :( I know it probably sounds silly but I was hoping for discrete, not in-your-face.

Shoes are quite a feat to find that fit over the orthotics, but we've found skater type shoes before. I was shocked when the orthotist said Little Man's insurance would cover special shoes that are extra deep to accommodate these. Unfortunately, they ordered the wrong size so they had to reorder them. They should get in this week and then he'll start wearing his new orthotics (AFOs for short) an hour at a time building up to wearing them all day.
I know they'll help him. I know he's been hurting and having tons of back and leg pain. I know he loves them and is happy with them. I even know Beans is jealous because he wishes he had some (he does not need orthotics of any sort, much to his dismay). But, the mommy part of me was glad they had to reorder the shoes to delay him wearing them. That mommy part secretly wishes we could just ignore the whole issue. But that same mommy part doesn't want her boy to be in pain any longer either. What a choice. BUT (yes, another but), the important part is that Little Man likes them and needs them and that's what all these mommy parts have to keep in mind.
I do have a little brag to tell you about. This past week was standardized testing week for both Little Man and Beans. Beans worked very hard on his tests each day and we're quite proud of what he's done. Little Man really, really struggled with this test last year. This year was a whole different story. His teacher did the test 1:1 with him and he has all the accommodations they allow (extra time, extra breaks, some parts can be read to him I think, alternate pencil, and not sure what else). Well this year, this amazing year, Little Man was compliant, paid attention, and on Thursday his teacher said he even requested a break when he needed one! HUGE steps for him! We won't have the results of either one for some time, but really, the results aren't the important part when you're dealing with ESE (special ed). Just the fact that they were both able to do the test is reason to celebrate!
Finally, I must share with you Beans' newest accessory. He's been wanting to take piano lessons for months. A special someone bought him this keyboard yesterday. He was so excited that he's already learned "Twinkle, Twinkle." Now presenting, for your viewing pleasure, World Famous Pianist - Beans :D
Amazing! Playing Mozart after just one day! I am serious! It's fantastic!
ReplyDeleteLittle Man's orthotics are much like the ones that one of the guys I work with wears. He also loves them and there has been considerable improvement in his ability to walk upright instead of leaning forward heavily, and he now loves to go walking with them. Just remind LM to keep his socks pulled up tight so he doesn't wear blisters and he can fold the top of his socks over the top of the orthotics to help keep the socks in place. Did they tell you to get long socks? We got my guy soccer socks that are bright blue in addition to his white ones.The orthotics will soon be so much a part of him we won't even notice, and if they help him as much as I hope they will, it will be wonderful!
they look almost exactly like mine except i chose black straps, and only one of mine has 2 foot straps.
ReplyDeleteyou're going to love how much they help you walk!
if you have a store called "journeys" near you, they sell socks that are perfect for AFO... in a 10 pack for $6.
little man, what color socks are you wearing with them? i like to switch colors around... i have lime green socks under mine now.
Way to go, Little Man! I say whatever helps your feet and legs, go for it.
ReplyDeleteAnd Beans, what an exciting challenge to learn to play a keyboard (piano.) Remember when you practice, I am practicing on my organ too.
Mommy -- good work.
Love you guys,