A couple years ago it dawned on me. No matter how much I worry and stress over things, it never changes the outcome. What??? I can't worry us into the right decision? I can't change the facts if I just stress over it enough? You mean to tell me, I'm not in control???
Since then I've been trying really hard to live by the motto "if you can't change it, worrying won't help." If you can do something about it - fabulous! Do something! But there are so many things in life that are out of our control, and for those things we've just got to let it go. Find something positive in the situation and focus solely on that. Besides, many times I've found that you're worrying over the wrong thing anyways.
Of course, I'm far from perfect at this. Before this school year started I was so nervous about Little Man starting school. He was moving from one self-contained setting to another and I was afraid his needs wouldn't be met.
As for Beans, I was pretty sure things would go easily. He's been at the same school for two years, this shouldn't have been a big deal. I worried myself sick over Little Man. I had dreams of getting him back into his school in Utah, nightmares about all the things that could happen, so many fears that I let take hold.And what came of it? NOTHING! Little Man seems to be in a beautiful placement, his teacher understands him and is meeting him on his level. The occupational therapist already has big plans to accommodate him and work with him. Even the transition wasn't as bad as I'd feared.

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