Wednesday, April 13, 2011

WTG Little Man!

When I started home schooling the kids a few weeks ago, Little Man knew his 1's, 2's and some of his 3 times tables. Today he did a test on his iPad with multiplication up to 10x10. Here's the result:

Home schooling isn't a long term option for us, but seeing the amazing progress that both the kids are making gives me so much hope. Little Man has made more progress in the past few weeks than he has in the past three years of school. Add to that this article that my brother found, that shows the autistic brain is exactly as I'd thought of it all these years - just geared differently, but with different strategies and teaching methods definitely capable of learning - and we have a lot of hope.

I have every hope that after we move and get the right assistance set up, Little Man will continue his amazing progress. I don't care how long it takes, I'm just so happy to see lights coming on in that amazing, unique mind of his.

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