Our trip to Sea World was nothing short of fabulous. I rode both the Manta and the Kraken with Little Man while Grandpa entertained Beans (who was quite happy that Grandpa doesn't like exciting rides either). The Manta was awesome, the Kraken was a bit too "shaky" for my likes but Little Man loved it even more. My little daredevil.
Little Man had a couple of "hiccups" that weren't much fun to deal with, but honestly, he did pretty darn good. Grandpa was such a good sport and when Little Man was trying his hardest to tick us all off (okay, he wasn't but sometimes it sure seems like it), I was able to step away with Beans for a minute while Grandpa handled it.
We've been to Disney a couple times in the past, but I found Sea World the most enjoyable park we've been to. Not as many crowds and less sensory overload for the little ones. Add in the love of animals Beans has, and the heart for the environment Little Man has and it was a great mix.
We loved the shows and were able to make it to all the ones I was hoping to see - the dolphins, Shamu (of course) and the Clyde and Seymour pirate show. The dolphin show was my favorite. Those who know me won't be surprised I'm sure. The kids favorite was a toss up between getting utterly soaked at the Shamu show and the hysterical antics of Clyde and Seymour.
The next day the little sweetie paid for our day of fun big time. It started with waking before dawn with vomiting - a pretty impressive feat through his stomach surgery. Obviously not thinking, I packed us all up and got us in the car and on our way home....five hours away from the children's hospital. Not my best move ever. The drive home was miserable for Beans. He alternated between sleeping, being miserable, and more throwing up despite having his stomach constantly draining through his g-tube. By the time we got home and I checked his temperature it was over 104 and he cried with as little as a couple teaspoons of water in his g-tube.
We somehow made it through the night without needing IV fluids and he's bounced back pretty quickly. I definitely learned though - regardless of how great he seems to be doing, we always have to be aware that he is more fragile and take those precautions of using his chair and protecting him from the heat.
The next few weeks promise to be busy. I'm having very minor surgery, we have the impending results to determine if Little Man will be having his surgery, and all the details of preparing for our move. The goal is to be leaving Florida right about this time next month. Wow! Connecticut, get ready - here we come!
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