As expected, Little Man was on massive sensory overload. He was in a terrible mood most of the day then cried with his head buried into either the blanket or me for a good portion of the start of the concert. He did eventually calm down though and ended up loving the music. It's so hard to know what the best thing to do is with things like this. I can't always make Beans miss out just because Little Man can't deal with it well, and Little Man will never learn to deal with such things if I don't push him, but it did add a ton of stress to the day.
The kids saw lots of new things today. Having lived in ultra-conservative Utah and then small town Florida, they've lived quite sheltered lives. Today they saw two people get arrested, a really sloppily drunk girl on the subway, and something I'm quite happy they'll be accustomed to - people of many different races and cultures, speaking different languages.

Overall it was an amazing day. I couldn't have done it without my brother, between navigating the Boston subway system, taking care of one kid when I was busy with the other, and keeping the kids from getting lost in the crowd.
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