Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sad Heart

Today I came home from a very difficult doctor's appointment for me and saw laying on the table K's homework.  For some reason it just broke my heart.  She's 13 and in 8th grade.  Her homework? A page of dividing by 2's and her spelling words:

  • made
  • song
  • line
  • drive
  • awake
  • hook
  • shape
  • cross
  • heart
  • vote
Usually I'm a really positive, go with the flow type, but tonight I'm taking my right to be sad.  After her EEG showed some kind of slowing that starts with a d and the rest of the results to be discussed at her next neurology appointment, I'm already sensitive in this area.  

What kind of real future does a child who is soooo far behind really have?  Will she ever actually catch up?  Will she make her own work arounds for so many things she doesn't grasp?  It's not for me to know now.  For now my job is to love and encourage and be proud of this amazing little girl I have.

Tonight's homework
Me: Spell heart

Yes baby, heart.  Mommy's heart is sad tonight but tomorrow's a new day and we'll get there.

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