Friday, October 19, 2012

And Grief Turns to Action

This post will have to be rather sketchy on the details due to all that's happened, but let's just say suddenly I'm extremely happy K will be changing schools.  On Tuesday after the PPT meeting, she was very upset when I went to leave.  Crying hysterically and grabbing for me.  It broke my heart to walk out the door and leave her at school, but I knew she needed to be there.

A note home that afternoon let me know the extent of her upset.  The two hours after I left were spent with K in tears and unable to calm down.  Instead of helping her in the autism classroom as was the point of the autism program as I understood it she was taken down to ISS (in school suspension).

I can't share what happened next but by the time she came home she was bruised on both elbows, a handprint on her forearm, a bruise on her stomach and bruises on the back of both knees from being shoved down on a bench.  Let's not forget the terror she now has about being arrested for crying thanks to comments made by the staff.

Today I went through the steps of our end of the investigation and the proper authorities are doing their part.  Instead of grieving her failure at this school I could not be happier to get her out of there and into the other one.  I can only hope she has a better experience there and that we can start making up some of the regression and fear that has been instilled.  Bruises fade fast, fear not so much. :(

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