Thursday, February 7, 2013

Yup, It's Winter

This week has been hard on the little ones.  Beans started it off with a massive cough and high fever.  He finally kicked it with loads of albuterol and pulmicort breathing treatments and ibuprofen and tylenol kept the fever down to 101 for about 3 days.  Just get him ready to go back to school Tuesday and K starts with the cough.

K has been up both the last 2 nights coughing non stop with her fever shooting up past 104 while on meds.  Last night enough was enough and I took her to the ER.  The doctor thought her lungs sounded rough, but not too bad, but thought it would be good to rule out anything serious with an x-ray.  Well, as our family is now quite well at doing, we surprised the doctor with her having pneumonia.  Luckily the ER was absolutely empty at 4 am so we were in and out in an hour.  She now has antibiotics, cough medicine and continuing her albuterol breathing treatments.  No school until Monday.

Here's hoping I can keep from getting it.  Massive coughing would be torture with my headaches, that's for sure.

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