At 2:00 I came to his classroom with cake. This was the first time I'd seen his class all together because usually I'm in classes when he is. Well it's quite obvious why he's so happy there - it's a class full of Little Man clones. Not in looks, but all five of those boys act the same, react the same and are hyper, rambunctious little cuties. He's among good company there.
The boys sang him Happy Birthday and then we had cake. Or sort of did. Only two kids would eat it lol, and Little Man was not one of them. He's still getting over his cold so he didn't eat anything really for two days. I'm sure he'll make up for it at his party tomorrow. :)

We came home and Beans gave him his presents, followed by the sweetest birthday hug in the history of brothers. Little Man even let him do it and kind of hugged him back.

The evening was full of birthday wishing phone calls from almost the entire family. Every time the phone rang, someone was calling for him! All of his grandparents called, including those on his dad's side, his cousins called, and his aunts called. He went to bed one happy and content birthday boy. What more could we ask for?
I am glad I got to talk with Little Man! He is growing up so fast! Sounds like the most wonderful day for him!