This last week and a half has had day after day of happiness. Sunday, the 11th, we went to my parents' house to celebrate Little Man's birthday. He was very possibly the happiest boy around. Grandma J helped him make gluten/dairy/soy free cupcakes. A great start to the visit for my chef-to-be. Grandma cooked a delicious dinner of salmon, vegis and a fabulous salad. Little Man was spoiled rotten with presents - his cooking set, a puzzle, some nice new clothes

(yes, he actually likes new clothes), a Bionicle and his much hoped for RC helicopter. We all had a great time visiting and it really turned his birthday weekend from sad to happy. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!

This past Saturday, the 17th, Little Man's school had their Fall Festival. He was chosen as his classroom representative for the coronation ceremony at the beginning. It was a very cute ceremony with each class representative's name being read off, them coming up on stage, bowing, receiving a medal recognizing them as the representative, then taking a seat in front of everyone. He did such an excellent job waiting his turn and then sitting quietly on stage while the ceremony finished. They even had little boutonnieres for the boys and bouquets for the girls.

nday brought another special day. It was the ceremony and reception for his guitar scholarship. Grandma and Grandpa came to watch Little Man perform and it made it all the m

ore special. He was having a really bad tremor day, and the chair was too high, but he performed well nonetheless - and loved every minute of it! After several performed they had a big ceremony that he again sat quietly through! Then he got to go on stage when his name was called and receive his scholarship certificate. He was quite the proud Little Man.
On the way back to the car I took advantage of the men being dressed up and took this shot of my guys. Aren't they handsome?

And the final bit of good news this week - Little Man's personal care assistant was approved! Monday night the overnight aide started and tonight his evening aide is supposed to start. I got to sleep through the night, in my own bed, twice in a row for the first time in as long as I can remember. My patience level is already so much higher and I feel so great. It's weird getting used to someone being in the house, but I've accepted the fact I need help. I'm thankful for every hour someone can be here.
At last, my wonderful granddaughter has the help she has needed for years! As I like to say, when things look dark, one never knows what's just around the corner. Yay!!!!