Yesterday we celebrated the best Thanksgiving at my parents' house. My dad deep fried the turkey, my step-mom had done so incredibly much preparation the day before and tons of work the day of, it was fantastic. Little Man got the normal sequence of events a little backwards, and decided to nap on the couch BEFORE dinner. ;) Silly boy.

Beans took the whole day as his opportunity to be Grandpa's Cling-on. I don't think he was more than a couple feet away from him for most of the day, even had to sit next to him at dinner. I went outside to see him during a break in cooking. I sat down only to be pushed away by a little boy ~ possibly for the first time ever ~ who wanted alone time with his gramps. I made my way back inside, laughing to myself, but made him oblige me with this pic first. ;)

Grandma J's new dog Ciri is the funniest thing. She loves wearing her clothes (see her modeling the latest SpongeBob trend below). When she's out on the porch and wants to come in, first you see this little head peering in the back window. When that doesn't get her anywhere she starts leaping. Out of nowhere you see this little dog, down to her little paws, completely off the ground as she jumps at the window. It cracks me up every time.

With that prelude, there is so much for us to be thankful for. Little Man is finally feeling safe and secure, both at home and at school. He knows the thing he's feared for so long cannot touch him now. Both kids are in the perfect classes at school and making progress in leaps and bounds. I'm doing well on track to our road to a better life. Beans has a couple HUGE anniversaries coming up next week that I'll get into then, but for now let's be thankful for the amazing improvement in his health. Last night Little Man had a little too much excitement and could not get to sleep. He wasn't being naughty, just could not sleep for anything. Nights like that make me even more thankful that he has nursing set up. He was able to be watched and stay safe while I was able to get rest to deal with them patiently today. I'm constantly thankful for the help. And don't forget the biggest ones - we have a roof over our heads, food in our tummies, an amazing extended family that loves us and friends who understand us. Yes, there is much to be thankful for. We are so very grateful.
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