After the show the kids could wait no longer. We headed for the rides. Once again I was amazed at the kids' fearlessness. Little Man has always been a little daredevil, but Beans has always been much more reserved. Let's just say he's broken out of his box. We went on a hang-gliding ride, Tilt a Whirl, the Scrambler, Musical Express, twirling rides, roller coasters, you name it. Here they are on a spinning ride that started horizontal then went vertical.

We went to the fair on Thursday, the 5th. The night of the 6th, 7th and 8th were very strange. Little Man, who requires multiple medications each night to help him sleep, put himself to bed. Early. Obviously something was wrong. That something presented itself on Sunday as he was finally able to communicate he had a headache. Initially I didn't worry too much about it, and still sent him to school on Monday.
Within two hours of school starting my phone rang. It's never good when caller id shows a call from the school district. It was Little Man's teacher. He was having his first bad behavior day of the entire year, and I needed to come down to the school. By the time I got there, he had calmed down and was able to tell his teacher that he had a horrible headache. And he did mean horrible. He had his head down in his hands and was clawing it. His teacher told me not to punish him - which believe me, was very hard not to do - but to take him to the pediatrician right away.
I called the doctor who told me to take him to UrgentCare. Now if you know anything about Little Man, you know he doesn't hold still for anything. I knew something was really wrong when he laid down on that little table in the exam room and fell asleep for two hours. When he woke he was grabbing his head again. I was tired of waiting at this point, having not even seen the doctor yet, and have to admit I almost politely, made the issue known. The doctor finally came in, examined him and sent us over to the Emergency Room for a CT scan. By this time it had been hours since we arrived at UrgentCare and the prospect of waiting all over again at the ER was bad enough, but an emergent CT scan was enough to make anyone's anxiety level go through the roof.
I have to say though, the scariest part was the headache coming in waves. When it would get worse his face would flush and the rest of his body would mottle, he would lay down in the waiting room and need quiet and not to be touched. Thank goodness to my FB friends who kept checking in on us, helping to pass the time. The hospital finally got him back to a room where he continued wanting the lights out and laying perfectly still. Finally, finally the doctor came in. His CT scan was normal, thank goodness, so that ruled out the "really bad things." They weren't really sure what the cause was, but it was likely a migraine that affected his autonomic nervous system. This is a pic shortly after we got home, his face is flushed, wanting his eyes closed and just laying down again.

We did have another stroke of luck though. The day after the ER visit I left Little Man with my parents while I had to take a test at school. I made it back out to our tiny town, picked him up and had just gotten onto the street when the transmission went out in my car. What's the lucky part? There's so much! It could have happened when we were coming home from the ER, it could have happened on my way to pick him up that day while I was driving for miles without cell reception, there are just so many ways it could have been worse. My dad, stepmom and grandma helped immensely in getting me back my wheels. Thank you!!! You can't even get to the store without a car here so it's incredibly important.
That stressful couple of weeks has been followed with more happiness though. It always happens this way. :D Beans brought home a letter from the county sheriff congratulating him on making Honor Roll!!! Now Honor Roll is always something to be proud of, but this is his first year in full inclusion. He now has no academic accommodations and is doing regular second grade work independently! What an incredibly proud mommy moment!
That brings us to today. The kids had the day off school for Thanksgiving, which means I had the day off school unofficially. ;) We had an amazing playdate with good friends. We went to the park and the kids played for hours. I got to visit with another mom and had a great time myself. It's so nice to go out with people who understand my special kids and it doesn't phase them.
Tonight the kids were totally worn out and went right to sleep. Hopefully for a nice long rest. :) Tomorrow we're going to my parents' house to celebrate Thanksgiving. We have so much to be grateful for, so very, very much. I say goodnight with a pic of my little Beans. Sleeping with his turtle from Aunt A, his chameleon from Ronald McDonald House and his hospital buddy from when he got his PICC line. Buddy is anatomically correct with a scar just like his. What a precious set of boys I have.

Yup, they ARE precious, and what's more, they are OURS! I couldn't be more proud of them, or you, taking care of them with all their needs. I know it isn't easy. Hugs to all of you!