Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can you stand MORE good news?

What can I say, other than that one little blip the other day, things continue being fabulous around here. On Friday I got a letter I never thought I'd receive. Actually make that two letters, one of which nearly had me in tears. What are these emotional bits of news you ask? Well, I must use caps because this must be shouted LITTLE MAN MADE HONOR ROLL FOR THE FIRST SEMESTER OF THIS YEAR!!! And the second? Beans made Honor Roll too!!! Now I am incredibly proud of Beans, he's worked so hard and come so far. For Little Man though, this was a day I didn't think would ever come. Now granted, his work is on Little Man-level, not grade level but who cares? He's doing it, he's learning and that's plenty for me to celebrate. We had a special dinner last night and they both got to stay up late while we played games to celebrate. My eyes still fill with tears (the happy kind) every time I think of it. He's making it! He's really, really making it!

To follow that news, it's hard to think of anything better, but this just might be it. I spoke with Little Man's teacher today (yes, Saturday). She said his behavior is practically perfect (hear that teachers from last year? Yes, PERFECT.) So great in fact that very soon, as in this week, he's going to start integrating into a mainstream class. The timing for this is quite a coincidence. The parapro who has been in his class since the beginning of the year got her own 4th grade classroom when school resumed after Christmas. One of my fears with mainstream is of a repeat of last year which was frankly HELL. He cannot cope with that again period. So, even though technically he's in third grade round two, he will be going into the class of the parapro-now-teacher who he adores. They'll start slow and work up. The goals are not academic, but merely functional. Learning to sit in a class, follow directions, cope with the noise and activity of the other students, and such. I'll admit I still have some unsure feelings, but if ever the right opportunity came along, this is it. He's worked so hard and he surely deserves it!

Lastly, on the medical side, Little Man is completely over his reaction to the Periactin. His behavior Monday was definitely an adverse reaction to that med and he's been back to his loving, sweet self ever since. Tonight I had to take him to the doctor for a really bad ear ache that went into his head. Turns out he has bacterial pharyngitis. Would have been helpful if he'd mentioned his throat hurt lol. It still amazes me that he can say anything, yet doesn't communicate things that are important. Oh well, a couple days on antibiotics and he'll be back at school Tuesday, just in time for me to take my first physiology test of the semester. Isn't he just perfect with the timing this year? Such a sweet little boy to even get sick on schedule. ;)

1 comment:

  1. That's so great! I am so proud of all of you (yes, ALL of you!) for working so hard and attaining these goals that at times seemed impossible. Little Man just needs to keep progressing on his own timetable (did I mention that months ago?), and, as long as he is PROgressing, we are happy. The speed isn't important-the direction is! I am happy for all of you!
