Christmas morning we went back over to spend the day and open presents. I am so thankful for everything people did for us this Christmas. It was going to be a really scarce day around here, with me putting everything into my education and our future, but we were so blessed by people who were so kind and generous. It turned out to be a wonderful day. We ended Christmas night with a roaring game of Monopoly. Grandpa, Grandma, Little Man, Beans and I had a great time making side deals...or trying to convince each other to take our side deals...Little Man ended up stomping on everyone. What a great time!
New Year's Eve we went back over to celebrate. Another great time was to be had. We rang in the new year a few hours early with another exciting board game. This time is was Clue. Let's just say Little Man should stick with Monopoly. :P And Beans too for that matter. Little Man couldn't help but blurt out "I have that one!" when someone would make a guess, even if it wasn't his turn. Beans on the other hand giggled endlessly when someone proposed something he had.

On Saturday, January 2nd, we had our first playdate of the new year. Again I'm not sure whether the kids had more fun or if I did. We've gotten to be good friends with the M family. Little Man and their daughter, T, have gotten to be friends - real friends. Little Man has been good at playing with kids on the playground for a while now, but I think T is his first friend his really developed a relationship with. They play, they tattle on each other, they kinda of fight then they play, tattle, play, tattle and they're learning how to work things out together. I <3 seeing them together. Each time they meet they run to each other and hug. The excitement of getting together hasn't grown old yet.
The afternoon was spent jumping on the tramp...

On the medical front, things are picking up again. Just before Christmas, Beans' ENT called with his sleep study results. He's struggling with obstructive sleep apnea. The typical treatment is removing tonsils and adenoids. His were removed when he was 2. We go in for a follow up on Monday to discuss where we go from here and also to follow up on Little Man's abnormal sleep study. Once again the boys have something with similar presentations yet very different causes. I think they just like to keep me on my toes. I also need to get Little Man back into his therapies. That alone is a full time job. He's supposed to be getting OT, PT, ST and behavioral therapy each week but there just aren't enough hours in the day so we have to pick and choose. I also need to get him in for new orthotics as his left ankle is collapsing in more and more. Oh yeah, and I need to get Beans in for an appointment with his GI in Orlando. Little Man has a psychiatry appointment a week from Friday as well. Just a little busy around here. ;)
My new semester starts tomorrow and I'm very excited. It will be a busy one with a 14 hour course load including anatomy and physiology which will be the big one. I'm taking all but A&P and A&P Lab online in hopes of making enough time to fit in all the doctor appointments and therapies for the boys. If anyone's seen a few extra hours in the day though, I'd be happy to share them with you. :D
Great Update!! Sounds like you guys had a blast!!
Thanks for the update, Rach! Sounds like everyone is doing well and is happy. Too bad I can't give you the two-hour difference between you and me on a daily basis!