I can't tell you how many IEP (special education) meetings, developmental pediatrician and neurologist appointments and just casual discussions where I've said, "I don't care how long it takes, but I would love to see Little Man be able and desire to pick up a book and just start reading it one day."
Ladies and gentlemen....that day has come!!! Presenting Little Man and The Magic Treehouse Series Book 3:

My grandma sent the kids these books a while ago. I've tried and tried to get him interested in them - or anything really - and haven't had much luck. Then today, he picked one up, laid down on the bed, asked Beans to be totally quiet, and he did it - he started reading! Independently! No prompting! He can only read a page or two before he needs to take a break, but he came back to it on his own twice!
I'm not sure what's next in store for this kid, but he's got a whole world of possibilities that is falling into place. I can't wait to see what's next on this wild ride! <3
Way to go Koty! What a wonderful, memorable moment.