Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A New Awareness

Little Man hasn't been feeling too well this week. He came home from school Monday with a horrible headache. He's been having bad joint pain as well. Things that would make anyone feel irritable. This afternoon he was miserable and started crying. He told me he was sorry he'd had bad feelings and bad choices this week. First of all, he hasn't been naughty at all. Second, anyone would be irritable if they felt like he does. But thirdly, this is a wonderful new awareness of his own behavior, feelings and choices! He's learning so much more than math and reading in his class, things I'm just amazed at.

On a little sadder note, some things were brought to light in Little Man's therapy recently that have been hard for me to accept. He has been through much more than I had imagined and has a lot to work through. He's been a very scared little boy for a very long time. I hate that someone who was supposed to love and protect him could hurt him so badly. He's making progress but he still has a long road ahead.

Tomorrow, though, is a day of celebration! Little Man will be celebrating his 10th birthday! We ordered the cake this weekend. I'll be picking it up on my way home from classes tomorrow and taking it straight to his class. He's having his first-ever friend's party on Saturday! He's so excited he can barely contain himself. Little Man, I hope you have the happiest, most wonderful day ever. You are such a blessing to me and I love you more than anything.

Before I go, I want to leave you with a couple pics from today. Nothing special, just little bits of happiness. Enjoy!

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