Monday, October 5, 2009

Busy Week and our First Applicant

Last week had a few bumps in it. Beans had his first sick day of the year - an absolutely amazing fact for a child with an immune deficiency. Think his teacher deserves an award for enforcing handwashing? I sure do. :D Having a bottle of hand sanitizer on your desk is the cool thing to do in his class. I love it. :D

Anyways, Beans sick day happened to fall on the day on my psychology test. You know - the no makeups for any reason test. I had no choice but to pack him along with me. He was so miserable he slept all the way to my school. I put him in his chair and his head hung back over the backrest and he slouched off to the side. I *really* need to get on his home health company about getting him something different. When he's feeling good he doesn't need to be in it at all, but when he's feeling bad this chair doesn't do the job. I had him hooked to his Farrell valve to vent his stomach (his way of throwing up and burping) while his feeding pump slowly pumped Pedialyte. I felt bad for having to drag him along.

I set him in the lobby, covered with a blanket and his backpack nearby in case he felt like playing with his toys, then went in to take my test. I rushed through it to hurry and get back to my little sickie bug. He did fine while I was testing so I decided to push my luck and see if I could make it to my next class - a review for another big test on Friday. No such luck. He was wilting like a flower and wasn't going to last. Before he started having bigger issues I decided to take him home. He again slept all the way home and was puny the rest of the day. (I've since bought him a new, more supportive car seat and he's much safer in the car. I couldn't imagine what would have happened had we been in a wreck when he was like this.)

Thursday he was back to normal so off to school he went. I'm not sure if he was actually sick or if it was just one of those Beans things.

Friday I got the unbelievable news that, for the first time in 10 years (!!), someone got 100% on my psychology professor's test. Yes, it was ME! Way to juggle school and parenting. :D Then I had to go take my sociology test. I was really worried about this one as the questions were worded strangely. No worries though, I found out Sunday that I got an A. :D Yay again!

Saturday was a big day around our house. The first applicant to be Little Man's PCA came over for an interview. Miss B looks like she's going to be a good fit. She has 3 boys of her own and is also in nursing school. She wants the overnight shift. I told her it actually should be pretty easy because when he wakes up she just has to keep him safe. There's no putting him back to bed when he wakes at odd hours so he can just play or whatever and she'll supervise. Her job will mainly be making sure he stays out of things that could hurt him, things he can hurt, and that he doesn't get out of the house. She's ready to start as soon as the authorization has gone through!

The timing couldn't have been better as Saturday, despite his newest increase of sleeping meds, Little Man had another night where he stayed up around the clock. This time though I had hope. Soon someone will be here to sit with him when he does this and I can still get my rest to deal with him and Beans during the day. I can't wait!

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