Monday, June 13, 2011

One Food

Who knew just how much one single food could mean to a kid? Beans trial with potatoes has been an overwhelming SUCCESS!! He's had no symptoms, no signs of issues and no increase in his random breakouts of hives, red eyes or sneezing.

Do you realize what this means? When I made lunch today I made tuna sandwiches for Little Man and I, I was able to serve up Beans a plate of potato chips right along with it. On the rare occasion we go out to eat (and especially when we move and drive the 1200 miles up the east coast) Beans can have french fries or potato chips or a plain baked potato! And well, my favorite, that just occurred to me today, he will be able to go to lunch with his friends to the cafeteria when he starts 4th grade in a couple months!!! Missing lunch time has been so hard emotionally on him, missing one of the prime social times in school, going to the library when his friends go off to eat. Next year he'll be able to join in! Even if he only has his one food, he HAS a food and that is something I am incredibly thankful for.

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