Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Tomorrow marks the start of our new adventure. We're loading up the moving truck, picking my brother up from the airport, and starting our three day drive to Connecticut. The boxes are packed, the house has been cleaned, the cupboards are empty. The kids have mattresses on the floor for tonight and tomorrow we take back our cable boxes so no tv or internet after that.

As with any move, there are lots of apprehensions. Will the new school district (the main reason we're moving) really be able to meet Little Man's needs? Will they be receptive to handling Beans' medical issues? Will the new insurance (crossing state lines) kick in fast enough? Will our new apartment work for us? Will we find new good doctors that are accessible and understand complicated kiddos (another main reason we're moving)? Will all the million and one details involved in moving my family 1200 miles away come together?

After doing my homework and planning for as much as I can, I have to have faith and take that flying leap. I KNOW this is what is best for my family. Now I have to work on the trust part - trust that it's all going to work out.

Adios, Florida. Goodbye to our dear, dear friends, the M family. Little Man's first real friend. My dear friends. Darling little A. Tonight we're having dinner together for the last time and I think it will be quite emotional all around. Tomorrow we'll have to say goodbye to my parents. There aren't words to express all they've done for us the past three years. Hah! The tears are already starting. Good thing I'll be too busy tomorrow to be sad for long.

All that said though, I am SO excited! I feel like I'm on the verge of a "normal" life. You know, kids go to daycare, mom goes to work, family all comes back together in the evening for activities or whatever. Yeah, yeah, maybe I'm idealizing a bit too much, but I can't wait! We will live very close to our good friend, close to one of my brother's families and not far from the other. I have great hopes for this move and if even half of them work out, we'll all be great. :D


  1. i'm gonna sit outside waiting for you starting....... NOW! =D

  2. You go, little Richter family. You can do it!
