There's excitement just up the beach a few yards. What are they saying? Shark?!? Yes, SHARK. My boys are in the water. I yell and Beans comes running, Little Man is completely oblivious and starts to come then turns around and goes back. I get him out of the water and we run up to where the people are fishing. Sure enough, one of them had caught a baby hammerhead shark. It was probably around 2 feet long. They unhooked it then set it back in the water.
Beans couldn't handle the excitement and, before I could stop him, ran right in after the shark. Oh boy. The shark was mad and first came charging up at all the people standing there, so we all moved back. Then it turned back towards the ocean. Beans, being Beans and all, ran after it! He actually reached out and grabbed it but thank goodness it slipped out of his hand. I snapped this pic right before he reached out to grab it.

A shark?? Wow, exciting and scary at the same time. I am glad your Beans didn't get bit.