Today we drove into Tallahassee to go to Tom Brown Park as Crawfordville has a serious playground deficiency. The boys had a great time. We found a nice playground shaded by the surrounding trees with one other little boy there. Little Man spent his time running around on the equipment. I took a spray bottle with us so I'd mist him every so often to help him stay cool. He was plenty hot still but had a great time.

After securing the precious egg shell, we wandered down to the pond. Little Man has a current obsession with fishing, although as you can probably guess, the one time we did take him fishing he was bored out of his mind and spent the whole time pulling it in then throwing it back out. Well anytime we're around water he starts in on the fishing mantra again. Then Beans saw a fish. A dead fish. Floating in the pond.

M: "No Beans it's dead and has lots of germs."
B: "I'll scoop it into the syringe case and won't touch it with my hands."
M: (Thinking Ewwwww!) "No Beans , that's gross. It's dead."
B: "Then can I catch a live one? It won't have so many germses."
M: (Shaking my head) "No Beans, it will soon be dead if you take it home. Let's go get in the car."
We had quite a nice trip to the park. Two worn out boys who were full of giggles on the drive home, even without a toad or dead fish. Thank goodness.
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