After a couple of rough emotional days, things are back to normal. Little Man has been back to playing with his Legos and on the computer. His tremors were giving him such a hard time yesterday that he couldn't put his Legos together so he asked me to help him. Well, secretly - or maybe not so much ;) - I love playing with Legos so both mom and son were happy.

Beans was back to being full of giggles and of course wanting all the attention all the time. He's been enjoying playing WoW on the computer with his cousin Taters and his uncles in Utah and NYC. Still lining his Pokemon up across the hall or the front room but some things never change. As long as he's happy and entertaining himself I'm good with it.
Last night I caught a precious moment between the boys. They were sound asleep and both had managed to weasel their way into my bed. Since I've been a major insomniac as of late, I wasn't there to get the snuggles but I did manage to capture this with my camera.

And lastly, when I went out to get the mail today, I found a visitor on the side of the house. He was happily spinning his web, and I do have to admit he's beautiful, but his size was a little shocking. Just a reminder we're not in Utah any more.

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