Monday, September 28, 2009

You Have GOT To See This!!

Little Man was practicing his guitar tonight and played Jingle Bells all the way through! He did so awesome. He's even reading real music as you'll see at the end (don't mind my Mommy bragging hehe). I'll probably take this video down in a few days since it has his real name in it but we're both so proud, we have to share.

(Sorry it's a little off but I don't have time tonight to mess with it, you can still get the idea though I hope!)

Little Man has his big day coming up next week - he'll be 10 years old! Next Saturday we'll be having his first real friend party. We've got the plates, decorations, and yes, the pinata he had his heart set on - all in his most favorite theme - LEGOVILLE! Everything is guaranteed to arrive tomorrow. Now we cross our fingers and really hope at least one of his four classmates will be able to come. :)

And lastly, the approval for his PCA seems to be coming together. We haven't gotten final authorization yet, but they're sure enough he's going to get it that they've started looking for staff to fill the shifts. Hopefully soon I'll be back sleeping in my bed in my bedroom, rather than on the living room floor so he'll have to climb over me to get into trouble. What a luxury that will be!

1 comment:

  1. KOTY!!!! YAY!!!! That's awesome! I am so proud of you! Way to go!

    I am smiling and clapping for you (or I was till I started typing!)

    Love you, Little Man!
