Monday, August 16, 2010

IEP Update

Today we had the big meeting with the district and Beans' school administration regarding his care at school this year. Overall I suppose it went fairly well. All the normal IEP attendees were present, as well as the director of special ed for the district. We went over the concerns I addressed in my email one by one. The meeting was two hour long so I won't go into a lot of detail.

We worked out his tube feedings so that he won't miss much class time at all and will be fed by the ESE parapro who has been feeding him for two years, but won't go to the ESE setting to do so. :D He is still not able to attend school, and we will have to have another meeting before he can. The district needs a letter from his doctor specifying every allergy (all foods, most insect stings, latex and other unknowns), signs of a reaction, when to take what action (Epipen, Benadryl, inhaler), what heat range he can tolerate, signs he's overheating, treatment, what times he has to be fed at, how much, signs he needs to be vented, as well as about a million other specific things. The funny thing is, I have to compile all this information (his pediatrician knows the general medical info of course, but not the Beans specific info), send it to the doctor for his signature, then he'll send it back for me to give to the school. I understand they need the M.D. after it all, but it would have been nice to know this BEFORE school started.

Once that's all worked out we'll hold yet another meeting to work out final details, train (again) the staff that will be caring for him, and hopefully get him back to school soon. My classes start on Monday so I'm really hoping to have this resolved this week. Cross your fingers.

I got home from Beans' meeting to a phone call from Little Man's school. Apparently he totally freaked out and caused a big scene at school and I had to go pick him up. In the future he'll do an office time out and then return to class, but since they knew I was home and it was only the third day they let him come home today. He's been fine since he got home, and didn't even ask to do the privileges he lost (EVERYTHING). Tomorrow's a new day, and on his teacher's advice, if he makes his day tomorrow he will get his home privileges accordingly.

All in the day of the life of our family. :)


  1. It sounds like you have a good plan in place. I am praying that the school lives up to their side. :hug:

  2. I can't this a new school? Just curious why the school didn't do some pre-planning so there would be no need to miss school. Sorry for the extra stress.

  3. Michele - this is his third year in the same school. Some things changed over the summer with his new severe reactions to everything, but I contacted the principal back in July with all this. I'm frustrated that it's taken this long to get things set up. He can't go to school until he can do it safely, so instead he's missing all those first fun days while we work out logistics.

  4. The part I don't get is that this isn't even a new school! UGH. Sounds like it is working out fairly well and I am happy for you.
