Monday, August 23, 2010

Your Attention Please

I am proud to announce that Beans will be returning to school in the morning!!! We just got home from my fourth meeting with the school administration, trying to make sure he would fully be taken care of, be safe, and have every opportunity the other students had. It's been a long battle, but I fought the dragon and WON!!!

Tomorrow my son will go to school with the other kids, get fed in a room close to his class during transition times so he won't miss academics, have several people trained in his medical needs including use of his Epipen and administering Benadryl via the g-tube, will get to fully and safely participate in field trips .... and .... yes, he WILL be able to participate in PE and recess!!!!

I am so glad the advocate and his complex care nurse were able to attend. I think it helped a lot with everyone knowing I wasn't standing on my own and had backing. The compliments and apologies as we finished up didn't hurt either. ;)

Tonight we celebrate a step back into normalcy for Beans!!! What a happy day!

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