Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Trip in Pics

Who wants lunch when you have Angry Birds?
Little Man hardly ate for three days, but he sure made up for it tonight.

Let's Get Going....Radio in Hand
I seriously wouldn't take a multi-vehicle trip without them. I can't tell you how many times they came in handy.

Night 1 Swimming - Little Man
I swear he's part fish.

Night One Swimming - Beans
No more fear of water for this one. He got dang good at swimming the last two nights.

Uncle J tried to teach Little Man how to pull himself out the side of the pool.
I said, tried. :P

Yay! Beans showed him how again and, despite the jelly fish maneuvers, Little Man got himself out the side!

Passing the time at the toll booth at the George Washington bridge, about to enter NYC. I handed Beans the camera and he took us many lovely pics of cars, buildings, toll booth signs, and yes, this self portrait.
George Washington Bridge
We finally made it through the toll booth!

Last known sighting of the truck's passenger mirror. Oops. :P

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