Wednesday, July 27, 2011


If you missed current events, check previous posts.

We're still at Children's Hospital Boston. Apparently things with Little Man are a bigger issue than I thought over the past while. They are very concerned about his veins, hypotonia, bruising and something else. They just placed a large gauge iv to do the MRI/angiogram with to check the veins in his head. There's a possibility today's issue is due to some low blood pressure or vein problem in his head. It's 8 pm and they still have to do the sedation, the tests, then recovery and then we'll go from there.


  1. It's not anything that's your fault. Things like that just happen. All of us have little individual things with us. Like did you know my heart beat is a lot slower than most people's? I'll tell you more about that offline. You've got tons of people who love you a lot.
