Thursday, September 3, 2009

Good News All Around

I got a call today from animal control and the dog that bit Beans is current on his vaccinations. Woohoo! No Rabies shots for Beans! I never thought I'd be worried about Rabies of all things, but you never know what surprise these kids have in store. Now I can cross that off the list. :)

Last night I was very stressed out as I had missed my English class on Tuesday in the run around taking Beans to all his appointments. I knew there was a paper due, printed the assignment instructions from the class website but was still a little confused on what exactly was expected. I spent a few hours last night writing up my essay (just the rough draft was due).

I got to school early today to make sure I had the copies that my professor wanted. I went to my class and spoke with a couple students from my class and found out there was a 300 word in class essay assigned when I was absent. Now mind you, this is not the paper I wrote last night but an additional assignment. Panic mode starts to hit as this teacher has a strict policy on missed in class work.

Thank goodness my professor arrived shortly after. I explained why I had missed class and, not only did he give me time to do my 300 word essay in class, he was impressed that I had completed the rough draft of the other essay as they were starting it today. I thought it was due today. No wonder I was confused on what to do. On top of that he said he has a special connection to students who took time off before coming back to finish as he did the same thing. So I didn't have any penalty for the class I missed, I actually am ahead in my work, and I made a personal connection with the teacher. Very nice. I just love it when things that first appear challenging turn out to be positive.

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