Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Too Good To Be True?

I just got home from meeting with the account manager at the nursing agency Little Mans' CMS nurse referred me to. I went in thinking what the heck, it was worth a shot but not expecting much. Let's just say the meeting had me in tears. Tears of relief.

Apparently there is a program for special needs kids in this state that amazingly has not overreached it's funding. There were changes during the legislative session this year that may help me so drastically it will be truly a life changing help.

If things work out, which the account manager and nursing consultant who processes the claims and paperwork think they will, Little Man will have a Personal Care Assistant for a few hours each evening. Someone who can provide constant supervision, someone to help him with his daily needs - bathing, tooth brushing, toileting - and to keep him safe. Someone who will allow me a chance to do homework, housework, help Beans with his homework, cook dinner and all those millions of things you take for granted until you have a child who requires such intense constant supervision.

AND, more than I could have imagined. They provide an 8 hours rest/sleep period for sole caregivers. This means someone will be here overnight to ensure that when he wakes he doesn't get into trouble, isn't destructive, doesn't get hurt and doesn't get out of the house! OMG I don't even know how to turn myself off of this constant on guard state I live in. To be able to actually relax knowing that he is safe, wow.

I know to most that sounds like such a luxury - having someone get up in the night with your kid instead of you - but when it's all you all the time, your children demand such intense energy and time and they get up frequently me being able to get real sleep would be a huge quality of life improvement.

It hasn't been approved yet and I hesitate to get too excited before I know for sure but the people I met with today seemed pretty confident it will be approved. This assistance could start in as little as a couple weeks depending on how quickly I can get the kids physicals done with their pediatrician. Please cross your fingers with me that I can get this help. I love these boys immensely and I'm stretched way to thin.


  1. Oh my gosh. I am praying with all my heart this happens for you. I don't know how you do it. First, as a single parent, and then with TWO of them. What a wonderful blessing this would be!!!

  2. That is awesome!!! I really know what you mean about "all you all the time" I hope you can get that break!!


  3. I hope it works out for you, Rach! You certainly deserve the help! You know that at my job, we have three of them, but we have staff there 24/7. Some days (especially some lately) I can't wait to leave, and I am the manager. I also have some staff who are afraid to work alone due to one of the guys who has been attacking staff. I know you live with it alone, and constantly. I will be praying for you. Just a good night's sleep will be wonderful!
